one striving for God's reign to come to earth, bringing his peace, wholeness, completeness, and health to all aspects of life.

Bill Kinnon's review of McLaren...

Kinnon wrote a scathing review of McLaren's new work, albeit before he actually read the book.  :)  But here is a sampling of what he said:

"I'm sure it's rather unfortunate for you, but you don't get to decide how the rest of us engage with your book. Let me be blunt, your approach is reminiscent of the divisive politics perfected in the nation you call home. Where people who disagree with your president are labeled as racists - or those who agree are socialists."

And again:

"Let me offer this piece of advice to you, Brian, if you don't want to receive reviews that question your ideas then simply stop writing. It really is that simple. Otherwise you will simply need to deal with the reality that the days of the idea gatekeepers are over. Welcome to the networked conspiracy."

See Kinnon's blog for the whole article (  

Ouch.  Apparently Brian has been calling those who critique his work closed to new ideas and fundamentalists.  Not a great idea.  So early reviews for this work are not good, but then again, he hasn't read the book!  I think all of this underscores the fact that you can say the most wonderful things in the world, and you can even say them well, but if you have not love, if you have not humility, if you are not open to constructive criticism, no one wants to hear it.  Period.  May we all strive for the humility we need so that when God lays something on our hearts to share, we can be heard.  And may we all strive to receive feedback and even criticism with grace and patience, knowing we don't have it all figured out...


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